10 Contoh Ucapan Selamat Hari Anak Nasional 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris, Menarik Dipakai Caption WA dan IG

- 22 Juli 2022, 16:50 WIB
Ilustrasi, dapatkan contoh ucapan selamat Hari Anak Nasional 2022 berikut.
Ilustrasi, dapatkan contoh ucapan selamat Hari Anak Nasional 2022 berikut. /Pexels/Sharon McCutcheon

PR BEKASI – Berikut tersaji contoh ucapan Selamat Hari Anak Nasional (HAN) 2022 dalam bahasa Inggris yang cocok digunakan caption di media sosial Anda.

Hari Anak Nasional (HAN) selalu diperingati setiap tahunnya pada 23 Juli termasuk di tahun 2022 kali ini.

Peringatan momen HAN 2022 ini memang masih dalam kondisi pandemi Covid-19, namun harapannya di momen ini, anak Indonesia tetap semangat untuk mengejar cita-cita.

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Agar momen HAN 2022 ini semakin meriah, Anda dapat berbagi ucapan Selamat Hari Anak Nasional (HAN) 2022 di media sosial.

Berikut contoh ucapan Selamat Hari Anak Nasional (HAN) 2022 dalam bahasa Inggris yang dirangkum PikiranRakyat-Bekasi.com dari Mantra Sukabumi dan Pikiran Rakyat:

1. "Happy National Children's Day 2022! Keep being happy and shining children always, because the future is in the hands of the children. Be proud to be Indonesian children. Children are the assets of the future."

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2. "Happy National Children's Day 2022! Keep being a child with a soul full of sincere fun."

3. "Happy National Children's Day 2022! Make Indonesia child-friendly. It's time for Indonesian children to be agile, empathetic, brave, superior, and healthy."

4. "Happy National Children's Day 2022! Hopefully the rights of children to play and be children can continue to be fought for."

5. "Children are God's most precious gift. Let's make this world a safe and fun place for them. Happy National Children's Day 2022!."

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6. Happy National Children's Day everyone. Indonesian children, come on, be great and a generation that loves their country.

7. Children are the future. Nurture them properly, so that they grow into capable leaders and lead the world to light. Happy National Children's Day .

8. Happy National Children's Day 2022. Children as carriers of hope for a brighter tomorrow and future dreams. May the day be a happy day for all Indonesian children.

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9. Happy National Children's Day 2022. Children are the future, so take good care of them. In the end, they will be the holders of changing the world and making this place a better place.

10. Happy National Children's Day 2022. Every child is like a flower in the garden with various shapes and beauty. They are all charming and beautiful in their ways and actions.***

Editor: Akhmad Jauhari

Sumber: Pikiran Rakyat Mantra Sukabumi


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