25 Quotes Ramadhan 2023 Singkat Bahasa Inggris, Kata-kata Aesthetic Penuh Berkah

- 9 Maret 2023, 15:45 WIB
Berikut 25 quotes Ramadhan 2023 singkat berbahasa Inggris dengan kata-kata aesthetic.
Berikut 25 quotes Ramadhan 2023 singkat berbahasa Inggris dengan kata-kata aesthetic. /Pexels/Thridman

13. May Allah fill you with joy and hope this Ramadhan.

14. We wish you good luck this Ramadhan.

15. Happy fasting in the month of Ramadhan.

16. May Allah answer your prayers this holy month.

Baca Juga: Buang Mayat di Bukit, Pemilik Peternakan Babi Ditahan Polisi

17. May Allah bless you with prosperity and abundance.

18. May you be healthy and happy during the month of Ramadhan 2023.

19. Congratulations on performing the tarawih prayer.

20. Sending love and light to your family this Ramadan.

21. Ramadhan is the best.


Editor: Ahmad Zaki Kusnaedi


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