Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan RI ke-77, Bisa jadi Status WA hingga Facebook pada 17 Agustus 2022

16 Agustus 2022, 07:30 WIB
Ilustrasi. Ada 10 ucapan Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke 77 Republik Indonesia dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk status medsos pada 17 Agustus 2022. /Pixabay/mufidpwt

PR BEKASI - Dalam artikel ini akan dibagikan informasi terkait beberapa contoh ucapan selamat Kemerdekaan ke-77 Republik Indonesia (RI)

Kumpulan ucapan Kemerdekaan ke-77 RI ini bisa Anda bagikan ke status WA hingga Facebook berbagai media sosial pada 17 Agustus 2022.

Tak terasa dalam beberapa hari lagi masyarakat Indonesia akan segera merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia atau HUT ke-77 RI.

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Selain memeriahkan dengan mengadakan lomba, masyarakat juga bisa ikut serta merayakannya dengan membagikan ucapan penuh makna Kemerdekaan ke-77 RI yang tertera di dalam artikel ini.

Berikut kumpulan ucapan selamat Kemerdekaan ke-77 RI dengan bahasa Inggris yang telah dikutip PikiranRakyat-Bekasi.com dari Best Message.

1. Wishing everyone on the special occasion of Indonesia Independence Day. This day is the day to learn more about our history and our struggle to get this independence.

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2. Wishing everyone on the special occasion of Indonesia Independence Day. This day is the day to learn more about our history and our struggle to get this independence.

3. So many people lost their lives so that the coming generations could enjoy the comforts of freedom and independence. Let us salute them on Indonesia Independence Day.

4. I hope that the flag of our country always soars high and continues to inspire us to be the best citizens to our country. Happy Indonesia Independence Day.

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5. Taking Indonesia to new heights is the responsibility of each and every citizen of our country and we must fulfill it collectively. Warm greetings on Indonesia Independence Day.

6. A very Happy Indonesia Independence Day to everyone. Together we can contribute towards the success of our country in many ways and we must do so.

7. There is so much love we have for our nation and we must always express the same in our actions, by making our country proud. Wishing everyone a very Happy Indonesia Independence Day.

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8. Let us celebrate the occasion of Indonesia Independence Day by honoring our flag and by saluting our national heroes for their sacrifices.

9. There is nothing more precious in this world than freedom and liberty and therefore, we must always value the two. Happy Indonesia Independence Day.

10. As we celebrate the occasion of Indonesia Independence Day with our loved ones, we must not forget to thank those who have sacrificed their lives to bring us this freedom.

Itulah kumpulan ucapan Selamat Kemerdekaan ke-77 RI yang bisa Anda bagikan saat momen 17 Agustus 2022 mendatang.***

Editor: Thytha Surya Swastika

Sumber: Best Message


